Designed by INTOUCH

The different features of Application TOUCH

The unique solution for all your operations!

Mobile Money
Mobile Money

Mobile Money deposits and withdrawals (MTN, Orange, Express Union, Yoome)

Transfert sous régionale
Sub-regional transfer

Cameroon - Mali - Senegal - Ivory Coast - Guinea Conakry - Burkina Faso

Transfert de crédit
Credit transfer

MTN, Orange, Nextel, Yoome and Camtel credit transfer

Paiement de factures
Bills payment

Pay your Canal+, Eneo and Camwater bills or subscription

Depot - retrait 1XBET
Deposit - withdrawal 1XBET

Make your 1XBET recharges and withdrawals with the Touch app

Touch Pay
Touch Pay

Accept all payment methods on your website

Some Videos of presentation

what are the advantages of Touch ?

Simplify your life with TOUCH, an innovative application with one phone, one balance, to offer an amazing set of services, with interesting commissions.

No need to bother with multiple commercial chips and phones to do usual operations.
Earn commissions for every transaction made as if you were using a trading chip
Application available for Android (on Play Store), IPhone and PC (Web version)
Fund freely your Touch account from a vast network of partners (Express Union, UBA, Ecobank, .

Some cases use of Application TOUCH

Multi services ou Touch Point
Multi services or Touch Point

You can open your multiservice or Touch point to distribute Touch services and start a new profitable business

Digitalisez votre Kiosque
Digitize your Kiosk

If you are more familiar with commercial chips, using Touch will revolutionize your business by making it more profitable

Encaissez vos paiements
Collect your payments

You can use Touch in your activity (trade for example) to accept the different Mobile payment methods

Tradeurs professionnels
Professional traders

You can use Touch to pay your transaction partners without worrying about their payment method (free Touch recharge)

Boutique en ligne
Online Store

With Touch Pay, you can integrate Touch into your site and accept all payment methods in your online store

Hommes et femmes d'affaires
Business men and women

Facilitate transactions with your partners, without worrying about their method of payment and without daily transaction limits

Démonstration vidéo

Fair to Questions

A Touch App is an innovative solution created by the company INTOUCH that simplifies lives of users who use commercial SIM or other commercials mobile solutions. With a single Touch account, you have unique balance for all the usually separate services. This solution is very convenient for owners of Mobile Money kiosks, individuals who conduct a lot of mobile transactions, money transfer companies, among others (Watch the demo video). Voir toutes les fonctionnalité de Touch ICI

To have a Touch account, you must contact a TOUCH wholesaler or fill out the online form on the official INTOUCH website. We are a TOUCH wholesaler, so you can contact us, write to us on WhatsApp, or click on the CREATE A TOUCH ACCOUNT button (at the bottom of the page or at the header of this site). We will create your account within 72 hours.

No, it is not possible to use TOUCH without an internet connection. You must be connected to the internet to use it. Even with a weak connection, Touch works very well

 Top up your Touch account for free through a vast network of reliable partners (Express Union, UBA, Ecobank, ...). You can also recharge at the agency with your wholesaler or through Float MTN. For more information, please contact us.

In general, each Touch account is linked to a wholesale supervisor. So, if you need assistance with Touch, contact your wholesaler. If you do not know your wholesaler, contact InTouch via its official website